Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Kuranda Butterfly Sanctuary

We took Mum up to the Butterfly Sanctuary at Kuranda over the weekend

we are in the middle of a heat wave so I am not sure how sensible going into a humid greenhouse was but never mind.
There were as you would expect butterflies everywhere

although as the light was not always good some of the photos gave a different view of them
this is a male Cairns Birdwing.
They were quite happy to land on people..

Cameron was quite taken with this one
Hamish mastered the art of coaxing them off the interpretation signs
All of us were fascinated by the spectacle

We also went through the lab area where they hatch all of them out. Mixed in with the butterflies were a few of these
the Hercules Moth - the largest moth in the world

1 comment:

  1. Lovely - we went to one on Tenerife. Fascinating! How big is the Hercules moth? Difficult to tell from the pic.
