Saturday, 16 November 2013

Trees, Bee's and other odds and sods....

Another week passes and the weather continues to hot up - although to be honest its the humidity that causes the real problems. Summer is looking like it will be another good one, they are predicting an average cyclone season so we will just have to wait and see....
I went out with Pat early this week to try and locate a couple of things for work but unfortunately due to circumstances beyond our control failed miserably - perfect excuse for another visit!
The trip was still very productive, most notably for non avian species; the highlights being

another Lumhotlz's Tree Kangaroo, and this bundle of fur

a Green Ringtail Possum - one of the few things that can eat the leaves of the Stinging Tree.
We visited my friendly Golden Bowerbird as well and noticed that he is really putting some effort into his bower, the main column at the back has grown fatter and taller, there is more decorations on it and an additional column has appeared near the front
The light was pretty good as well so I was able to take a semi reasonable photo of the male without needing a flash
We also found another bowerbirds bower, this time a Great Bowerbird

I love the way they utilise man made objects as well as shells etcCloser to home (in fact about 100m from our front door) one of the local pairs of Rainbow Bee-eaters..
has started to breed in a small patch of grass on the corner of the main road into Yorkeys

their nest I fear is doomed as all areas of public grass get mowed within an inch of their lives...

Undoubtedly the main event of the week though was Xanthe recieving this in the post
she had entered the competition to design Ramsay, Cairns Xmas card and she won!!!

Here is a scan of her design - the theme was Framing the Christmas Family...
Well done Xanthe!!


  1. Aaah for the possum! Very well done,Xanthe. Unfortunately, we aren't able to read what they're saying.

  2. Xanthe - absolutely brilliant! Well done.
    I too like the possum; good pic of the bee eater.
