Tuesday, 14 February 2017


I find Dragonflies a real pain when they come to the moth trap and as such I tend to take a couple of quick photos, catch them and relocate them as far away from the light as is possible. My knowledge of the Australian fauna is very poor although there is an excellent guide that covers all 340+spp. The majority that I photograph are unknown to me but I usually that is just because I have not looked at them before. Sometimes though this is not the case and a potential goodie slips through my fingers!
This is male is a case in point...

I had absolutely no idea what it was but assumed that was just because I don't know my Aussie Dragons, this it turns out is not the case as via a group on Facebook my photo has got back to the researcher at the Australian National Museum who did literally write the book on them and it turns out that it is almost certainly a new species to science as it does not match any known Australian spp - unfortunately a specimen is required and I don't retain Dragonflies......

Thursday, 9 February 2017

The Wet

Well last weekend it certainly rained here...it rained, and rained , and rained , and rained, and rained and rai.....you get the picture. Apparently around Cairns there was in excess of 1500mm of rain  that is 1.5m  or 4 foot 9 inches in old money! Whilst I dont think we had that amount Mossman and Port Douglas were cut off for a while with the Foxton Bridge flooded and closed (on road north to Daintree) and the Captain Cook Highway at Craiglie cut off...
This is the creek on the back route into Mossman from home

Not that we could get to the creek from the house anyway as the road just past the winery was slightly wet as well...

But we could get closer from the Mossman side which is where I took this video from...

The road to the creek from Mossman side had some water as well but not as much