Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Have a very Froggy New Year

Apologies for lack of posts over Christmas and New Year but got rather side tracked with other thing not least of which was the typically English obsession with "the weather". In this case waiting for the Wet to start which it finally did slowly just before New Year and then properly in early Jan...as I write this on 10th we have had close to 24 inches of rain and more is on its way....YEAH!!!!!!
We were not the only ones waiting for the drought to break our native frogs were clearly doing so as well because as soon as the rains proper started out they came en masse...have so far had nine species plus the ubiquitous Cane Toad so I thought I would post a few piccies of them...

Dainty Tree Frog - a mid sized spp up to 45mm in length (1.2 - 2 inches old money)

Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog - a small spp up to 35mm (1-1.5 inches)

Northern Dwarf Tree Frog - a small spp up to 30mm (just over an inch)

Green Tree Frog - a very large from up to 110mm (4.5 inches)

White-lipped Tree Frog - another very large spp up to 110mm

Roth's Tree Frog - a mid size spp up to 60mm (2.5 inches)

Red Tree Frog - a small spp up to 45mm (just under 2 inches)

Jungguy Frog - a large spp with females, brown individual, up to 70mm (nearly 3 inches) and males, yellowy individual, up to 50mm (2 inches)

Water Frog - a large spp up to 80mm (over 3 inches)