Sunday, 26 July 2015

Redden Island

Took Odin and the children to Redden Island this morning for a run on the beach. The tide was a long way out so there was plenty of space even though there were a fair few people around.

View back towards Yorkeys the hill on the right is The Knob in Yorkeys

In places the sand was more mud than anything else but we did manage to avoid the worst places not that it would have mattered with Odin as even the shallow pools were too deep for him and he ended up swimming...

 He does not seem to be bothered by the water at all

 It is a great beach with plenty for the children to find and dig up so they enjoy messing around on the sand

 Odin of course needs to try and keep us all together so he ends up running a lot

My poor attempt at something arty....

Wednesday, 15 July 2015


Well winter has arrived with a shiver...night time temperatures have dropped to single digits and believe me when you are used to 15-16oC as your minimum temp then 9oC is exceedingly cold. The kids have been wearing whatever jumpers we have and in Xanthes case getting in trouble at school as she is wearing a Scottish Rugby Union top rather than a logo'd Smithfield Sweater ( a bargain at a mere $40...).
We have bought Odin a new coat

which he really likes and at the moment lives in!
Even that though has not been enough and first thing in the morning he looks for any soft material to bury himself under....

and if there is nothing he fancies then he climbs onto your lap, sneaks up your chest and before you know it you have your own "fur boa" which is fine until he decides to shove his tongue down your ear....
The birds are not enjoying the cold mornings either. This Rainbow Bee-eater was soaking up the sun on the power lines this morning

The cold weather is meant to continue for a few more days!

Saturday, 11 July 2015


Have taken a few pictures off my phone and am not sure if I have posted these so thought I would just put a few of Odins better piccies here, enjoy.....

In case his mournful expression cons you, yes he is fed and watered, played with and walked on a regular basis.....

Monday, 6 July 2015


Need I say more....................

pictures not very good as light levels low...

Sunday, 5 July 2015

School hols

First week of the winter holidays hs been a mixed bag weather wise - wind, rain, sun, hot and according to Tish "freezing"....
With Tish working we have not done a huge amount other thanthe odd friend round either for a sleep over or just for the day.
The children and I have been on the beach a couple of times...

There have been a few goodies in the garden
Laughing Kookaburra

and despite the nights being cool there have been a few moths as well including this Syntherata leonae