Thursday 5 July 2012

Kites and batteries..

I have come to the conclusion that in addition to the gremlin that specialises in eating right socks out of the washing machine (leaving all the less tasty left socks) there is another one that eats the batteries for my digi camera. At some point this morning it snuck into the car and ate my spare - I have two old ones at home which I will try to recharge so I have some spare capacity.
We returned to almost everywhere that we went today and failed to relocate it - I have thought of one more place which I will check tomorrow as these old batteries are not easy to get hold of!
Having done all the housework yesterday and got tonight's chicken marinading away I decided to head off to Knuckey, the children can have a run around whilst I go birding.
As Knuckey had not been given the Xanthe treatment she messed around with one of the cameras and took a few shots..

The only problem giving Xanthe the camera is that there are no pictures of her!

Contrary to the accusation of my older sister the black shouldered kite does exist - several other people have also seen it. Today I re found the bird hunting in the distance over Stuart Highway...
Hardly a gripping photo of this stunning bird. Whilst we were watching it the bird drifted slowly left towards where I first found it so everyone jumped into the car and I gave chase hoping to improve on the first photo.
It took a while to relocate it and when I did it was still very distant offering views that were barely better than my first ones today.
Eventually though I did get slightly better views but the photos still don't do it any justice at all. I shall have to head out again tomorrow and try and relocate it to improve on them..


  1. Some lovely shots of the telegraph poles though, which at least ticks another Australian speciality off your list
